
Information pursuant to Act No. 136/2010 Coll., on internal market services, as amended

a) company information:

Business name: SOUKENÍK – ŠTRPKA, s. r. o.
Registered address: Šoltésovej 14, 811 08 Bratislava
registration: obchodný register Okresného súdu Bratislava I, oddiel: Sro, vložka č. 57530/B
Company ID No.: 36 862 711, Tax ID No.: 2022800846, VAT ID No.: SK 2022800846
Tel.: +421 2 322 02 111, Fax: +421 2 322 02 110

b) authorisation to provide legal services:

Law firm SOUKENÍK – ŠTRPKA, s. r. o. provides legal services based on authorisation granted to its executive officers – attorney at law:

  • David Soukeník, attorney at law practicing law, being admitted to the Slovak Bar Association under No. 1762, academic title: JUDr., granted in the Slovak Republic
  • Peter Štrpka, attorney at law practicing law, being admitted to the Slovak Bar Association under No. 4009, academic title: JUDr. a PhD., granted in the Slovak Republic

c) indemnity insurance for damages caused in relation to the provision of legal services:

insurer contact information:
Allianz - Slovenská poisťovňa, a.s., Dostojevského rad 4, 815 74 Bratislava 1, IČO: 00 151 700, tel: +421 800 122 222, tel2: +421 2 496 15 677, e-mail:, web:

insurance coverage: 10,000,000 Euro, insurance covers claims, which originate and at the same time the losses/damages were incurred in the Slovak Republic and the European Union member states

d) terms for the provision of legal services:

Law firm SOUKENÍK – ŠTRPKA, s. r. o. provides legal services on the basis of written or verbal agreement (contract) with the client, which must meet the requirements of generally binding legal regulations of the Slovak Republic, in particular the Act No. 586/2003 Coll., on Law practitioners and on changes and amendments to Act No. 455/1991 Coll., on Sole practitioners as amended by subsequent regulations, Decree of the Ministry of Justice of the Slovak Republic No. 655/2004 Coll., on remuneration and compensation of legal practitioners for the provision of legal services as amended by subsequent regulations and in accordance with internal regulations of the Slovak Law Chamber and the Attorney Rules in particular.

e) more information on the provision of legal services in the Slovak Republic can be obtained and complaints regarding legal services rendered can be filed on the address below:

Slovenská advokátska komora (the Slovak Law Chamber), so sídlom Kolárska 4, 813 42 Bratislava, tel: +421 2 529 61 522, fax: +421 2 529 61 554, e-mail:, web:


Information provided on this website has only informative value and it is not to be construed as an input for any contract, arrangement of any obligation of any kind or for any other legal act, nor can it be referenced in relation to any contract, arrangement of any obligation of any kind or for any other legal act. Disclosure of information provided on this website does not constitute rendering of legal services as stipulated by Act No. 586/2003 Coll., on Law practitioners and on changes and amendments to Act No. 455/1991 Coll., on Sole practitioners as amended by subsequent regulations. The law firm SOUKENÍK – ŠTRPKA, s. r. o. publishes, verifies and regularly up-dates information on this website. As some of the information on this website is sourced from other publicly available sources, the law firm SOUKENÍK – ŠTRPKA, s. r. o., does not assume any responsibility for the accuracy, completeness and currency of this information. The law firm SOUKENÍK – ŠTRPKA, s. r. o., does not assume any responsibility for any damages, incurred from the use information published on this website. The law firm SOUKENÍK – ŠTRPKA, s. r. o., reserves the right at any time to make changes to this website, whereby it is under no obligation to highlight such changes.

